On the neonatological ward of the clinic for obstetrics
of Graz) my job was to say 'hallo' to babies and helping
them to pass the first 'steps' into their life outside their
mothers if they needed help.
Clinical evaluations of infants, children, and adults who
have malformations and/or mental retardation.
Prenatal/preconceptional counseling for families/women with
"advanced" maternal age, abnormal maternal serum screening,
drug or medication exposures, or a know family history of malformations
or mental retardation.
At Wellcon (Center for
occupational medicine) we focus on the prevention and
health promotion for employées.
Neonatology and Perinatology
One of my fields of special interest is Congenital
Toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease transmitted to the fetus during pregnancy.
Measures of prophylaxis, early detection of the infection and treatment can
avoid Congenital Toxoplasmosis and many long term effects.
My scientific interests are diagnostic and treating efficiacy and epidemiological
aspects of Toxoplasmosis.
Also I can advise You the home page of Prof. Ronny Scheer, MD, the Head of the Pediatric Psychosomatics
at the Pediatric Clinic of the University of Graz.
Examples of the research activities of the unit:
Baby-Parent-Interaction-Research (main person: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marguerite
Psychosomatic Diseases of Children and Adults including: